About Us


The Coupons Galore Network was envisioned in 2013 by Ericka Rios, Just a gal trying to save money for her family. Being a single Mother takes balancing priorities and Ericka realized that by saving money on daily use items she could find the means to provide other wants and needs for her children. She started the Facebook group Coupons Galore! and gained a loyal following by freely sharing detailed breakdowns on how to save money in the grocery store. She has been inspired by the appreciation of so many members that she hopes to help more people reach their financial goals. In 2016, she partnered with her friend, and now business partner,  Katherine Small who held the same passion for helping others. Together they expanded  social media outreach to include Coupons Galore Online!, a group that helps members find online sales deals. Together they hope to share lots of amazing deals and save their coupon family as much money as possible in the process! This is the Coupons Galore Network! 

About Ericka

Ericka is a proud Mother of three littles who are the driving force in everything she does. As an independent Mother she knows first hand the difficulty of balancing a single household income and uses strict budgets along with couponing to  meet her family needs and financial goals. In 2016, Ericka achieved one of her biggest goals yet! She utilized her savings made from couponing for the year to cover the down payment so she and her children could celebrate Christmas 2017 in their new home. She hopes to help and encourage others to meet their goals through teaching others to save on daily and seasonal purchases. 

About Katherine

Katherine is a long time saver who has been known to offer her excel worksheets to help others get a grasp on their debt. Couponing is a perfect fit with Katherine's saving philosophy which includes saving for future needs. As a first time Mom, Katherine kicked her couponing into overdrive to get the house ready for baby and loves sharing deals with others. As a working Mom, time is valuable and by stocking up on household necessities and baby needs, she is able to get more quality time with her family and spend a little less in the store. She hopes you can do the same!

Contact Us

Drop us a line!

Better yet, see us in person!

Set up a private couponing 101 class for your family and friends!  

Coupons Galore Network

Houston, TX 77380, us

(866) 899-6655